It is everywhere.  Social distancing has become standard.   Teachers are learning how to use technologies for distance learning.  Church is online. People all over the internet are advocating for and demonstrating ways to socially distance right now.  Even Jimmy Falon records the Tonight Show from his house.

But what if someone can’t do that?

There are people who have roles in our society that make social distancing very challenging.  These dedicated people are finding it difficult to practice distancing like we witness every day.   I think of doctors, nurses, child care workers, police and emergency responders, grocery store workers.  The list goes on. I know that I’m missing many, many others.  

There is a torrent of information right now about the importance of social distancing, and I wonder how this awareness flood is impacting those who currently are not able to work remotely like others can.  

So during this time of heightened awareness of social distancing, let us be mindful of our friends and neighbors for whom working form home is not an option, and for whom social distancing is difficult to practice in their line of work.  Let us pray for them.  Let us encourage them.  

If you are someone who does not have the option to work remotely due to your role: I affirm the care and service that you provide.  We thank you. I acknowledge the anxiety and fear that you may experience.  And I recognize that you may feel oddly distant right now as you watch people working remotely while you must remain physically present.  Know that you have a church behind you in prayer and in support.

The events of the past 7-10 days continue to have a deep impact on all of us.  Yet we are each impacted differently. So I encourage us to share our experiences with one another.  Let us continue to offer a listening ear to one another.  For listening is an act of love.


Pastor Abe