Faith Practices

Baptism is an opportunity to publicly identify ourselves as followers of Christ and his church, and to consecrate ourselves to his service. As such, it involves a personal confession of faith followed by immersion through which we identify with Christ’s suffering and death for our sin. Our emergence from the water symbolizes for us our hope in our Lord’s resurrection to new life.
Baptism is an act of worship that takes place within the community of the church, for those with whom we share the life of faith are greatly encouraged in their own spiritual journey by witnessing the baptism of another.
Baptism of believers by immersion is the only form of baptism practiced by our church. Baptism by immersion is encouraged of all who desire to affiliate with the church, but it is not a requirement for membership. Those interested in baptism are encouraged to contact the pastor for a time of further instruction.
Communion is observed the first Sunday Sunday of each month. On these days, the congregation is invited to The Lord’s Table as one of the components of our corporate worship.
Emmaus does not require membership for participation in communion. In fact, it’s our understanding that the invitation to the table really comes from Jesus himself, and as a result, this invitation is extended to all. In that spirit, families are free to decide the age at which their children may begin participating in communion.

Membership represents a step of commitment to the church community. Taking this step expresses an individual’s commitment to the life, health, outreach and ministries of this community and of its individual members. While membership is voluntary, and not a condition for participating fully in the life of the church, it is the hope and purpose of the leadership of the church that membership be considered seriously as a step of commitment to the members of this body.
Those who are interested in membership are invited to learn more about Emmaus and our faith in Jesus Christ through a membership class. If that’s you, please reach out to anyone on staff. We’d love to talk with you!