Outreach & Missions
“Outreach is a movement toward the world—outreach to unbelievers, missions to various human needs (2 Corinthians 5:17-20, Luke 10:27-37, Matthew 28: 18-20).”
– Emmaus Constitution
The Outreach Board:
This Emmaus Encouragement Fund is made up of donations that are collected separately from our regular offering on the first Sunday of each month. Offerings are typically placed in a basket at the back of the Sanctuary, but a donation to this fund can be given to the church at any time. Moneys from this fund are used to help folks who are regular attenders of Emmaus when they find themselves in a difficult financial situation. Some examples of how these funds have been spent: medical bills and prescriptions, fees for children’s classes, mortgage and rental payments, food, gasoline, utility bills and clothing costs.
If you have a need, or know of a need in our congregation, please contact a member of the staff and they will get you connected with the folks who manage these funds.
Each year the Outreach Board designates funds to be shared with folks who are our brothers and sisters in the Northfield Community, but not necessarily attenders of Emmaus. This fund is meant to serve as a one-time bridge when people find themselves in a difficult financial situation. In the past we have helped with things such as prescription costs, gasoline, food, rent, school supplies and car repairs. Requests for assistance from this fund should be made to Office Manager, April Schweickert.
We believe that the entire church body is enriched whenever members of our congregation become involved in ministry. Therefore, we wish to provide every woman, man, adult, and youth of this congregation with an opportunity to have a missions experience. In order to assist members of our congregation in experiencing short term missions the Outreach Board is dedicated to the following forms of support: (click below to find out more)
Independent Mission Trips
The Emmaus Outreach Board and congregation believe that both the individual and the entire body and enriched whenever someone has the opportunity to experience missions. Therefore, we wish to provide every person in our congregation with the opportunity to have this experience. The Outreach Board offers financial assistance, prayer support and opportunities to “get the word out” about plans and experiences that people have in the mission field. If you are interested in applying for assistance for a mission trip, please contact April Schweickert.
Youth Mission Fund
Because Emmaus believes in the value of a Short Term Mission Trip experience for everyone, we support our Pastor of Student and Family Ministries Tim Drake each Summer as he leads our students on Short Term Mission Trips both inside and outside the United States.
College Missions
Emmaus has a large number of students who join us for worship each Sunday during the school year as we are fortunate to be located so closely to both the St. Olaf and Carleton College campuses. Because we value these members of our congregation the Outreach Board helps fund the weekly bus transportation that is provided to and from Emmaus church on Sunday mornings and supports the annual College Mission Trip to Costa Rica that is lead by David Olson who is both a member of our congregation and a supported missionary of Emmaus.
The Outreach Board supports summer campers with scholarships to offset camp fees. Most scholarships are for Trout Lake Camps, but the board will also supply scholarships, upon request, to other camps, as long as the camps mission is not in conflict with the beliefs and constitution of Emmaus Church. The Outreach Board also supports the Youth District Blitz and Fall Fling Retreats.
Handyman Ministry
This ministry is comprised of several folks in our congregation who poses basic handyman skills and who are willing to offer their skills when a home repair need arises for a member of our congregation who cannot afford to pay the retail cost of having the repair completed. While we cannot guarantee that we will be able to match a handyman to every project, we will put the request out to them and do our best to find a match. Some projects that have been completed in the past include: dishwasher repair, counter installation, basic plumbing, painting, basic car repair and floor installation. Requests for assistance can be made to April Schweickert, Office Manager and Community Care Coordinator, or Pastor Susan.